Security upgrade in India’s hospitality sector


Q. What are the new opportunities in India’s growing Hospitality Security solutions market?

As of March 2017 India has moved up 13 positions to 52nd rank from 65th in Tourism & Travel competitive index. It is one of the major contributors to the GDP from the services sector. India is expected to move up five spots to be ranked among the top five business travel market globally by 2030, as business travel spending in the country is expected to treble until 2030 from US$ 30 billion in 2015.

International hotel chains will likely increase their expansion and investment plans in India, and are expected to account for 50 per cent share in the Indian hospitality industry by 2022, from the current 44 per cent. Considering these statistics, the future for hospitality security solutions is very positive and strong.

Q. What are the emerging threats for India’s hospitality sector?

In India the threat of theft is not very high. But there is a larger threat from terrorist activities and as we have seen in the past, hotels prove to be soft targets. It is therefore essential that hotels have a fool-proof security in place to deal with internal as well as external threats. As per law all hotels are mandated to check all incoming people as well as their baggage, which is a good thing. Electronic security, access control, video surveillance –all these measures are  a response to the threats that the hospitality sector is facing today

Q. What are the key challenges for installing Security Systems?

In the hospitality industry, the main challenge that people face is how they can get various systems to actually talk to each other and work in a coordinated manner. Most of the times, systems are not compatible leading to duplication of work and loss of data.

Q. How strategies, guidelines and Policy framework can help us to enhance security in the hospitality sector?

Today security is being given a huge amount of importance only in 5-star hotels and not so much in the smaller hotels and resorts. It is high time that some basic security framework is made mandatory in all hotels. This is an action that can only come from the government with new policies in place. The reason to do this is to also make travelers feel safe.

Q. How hospitality industry can sensitize their clients and customers for any emergency?

That’s a tricky one to look into. Placing manuals or instructions in rooms and other common areas can be done but we cannot guarantee how much people will pay attention to them. Maybe if they can find a way to programme a safety video into the hotel TV such that the guest has to view the video before he/she can actually surf the channels can be one solution but it will also lead to their dissatisfaction. However, over time they would be ok with it if it becomes mandated by law.

Q. What are the suggestions for implementing hotel security projects?

Hotel security projects should be planned not just to meet compliance criteria but also to ensure that the hotel and the guests actually receive some benefit from the same. Integrated systems, easy reporting, timely alerts and actionable messages are all equally important. It can also help hotels become more efficient by providing automatic data.

Share the  case study  regarding successful implementation of hotel security project

Special Feature: ACCESS CONTROL

Q. How big is the ACCESS CONTROL market in India?

The size of the Indian access control market even with conservative estimates is around USD 80 million. It is a market that is reaching maturity.

Q. How ACCESS CONTROL trends are evolving globally and in India?

People are realizing the importance of having integrated systems where online and offline security works in tandem. Moving to biometric security systems is another important trend. 2 step and 3 step authentication processes are becoming increasingly common.

Q. What are the challenges and opportunities for ACCESS CONTROL solutions?

Access control systems need to keep pace with changing needs. They need to evolve and get smarter as crime gets more and more sophisticated. This is true for every industry. For example, one step authentication is still very common, which needs to move up to two or three step authentication. Integration with mobile is a huge opportunity as everything has moved into the hands of the user.

Any case studies or success stories….

Product Exploration: X-Ray BAGGAGE SCANNER & Metal Detector (DFMD- HHMD)

Q. What are the latest innovations happening in these segments?

High-definition, three-dimensional CT scans of luggage may soon replace static X-ray images at airports as part of a wave of new technology designed to speed up security lanes while improving detection of weapons and explosives. Today bombs are getting thinner and smaller and therefore more lethal, which is why easy detection and quick action is critical.

Q. What are the challenges faced by X-Ray BAGGAGE SCANNER & Metal Detector (DFMD- HHMD) providers?

Currently, there is no standardization in the market. Maintenance is not being given due importance which leads to more effort in fixing bigger problems than keeping control over the system over a period of time.

Q. What are the latest product and solution offerings?

Newer products are available with self diagnostic abilities with better, clear imaging. Integration with access control systems and alarm systems is also enhancing the value delivered by the systems.

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