ONVIF streamlines interoperability with open source development


ONVIF®, the leading global standardization initiative for IP-based physical security products, announces it is implementing open source for its network interface specifications for physical security technology. The move will streamline administrative and collaborative processes while also leveraging the collective ingenuity of the global developer community. ONVIF interoperability specifications are already publicly available as open standards and are widely used as common communication interfaces between devices and software clients, such as IP surveillance cameras, video management software and physical access control systems from different manufacturers.

The use of GitHub, an online open source development platform, will allow for easier contribution and collaboration on ONVIF specifications by applying state-of-the-art software development tools to specification engineering. This will enable software engineers and developers from security, IoT, Artificial Intelligence, cloud services and other industries to contribute new ideas and proposals, spurring greater feature interoperability and new interface specifications that will help ONVIF continue to contribute to these industries.

For more information visit https://www.onvif.org/about/faq/.

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