Spot on in zone 1 – Versatile & robust LED floodlights The new 6125 series (for zone 1) and 6525 series (for zone 2) floodlights from R. STAHL are designed for…
New approach to fire hazard analysis Mr. S.P. Dharne, Ex-Executive Director, Nuclear Power Corporation of India, Mumbai Holds Bachelor’s Degree in…
New EU Requirements: VdS-Approvals to be incorporated in tender processes The EU Guideline 2014/24 requires all relevant authorities to incorporate alongside to EN Requirements for…
Chemical Safety – An Overview The control of risk from the use of harmful substance is as much a matter for effective management as any other…
Matrix to Showcase its Carrier-Grade Telecom Solutions at GITEX 2016, Dubai Matrix, a leading manufacturer of IP-PBX and Gateways is participating in GITEX Technology Week 2016, Dubai. During…
Euro Security: Innovation at its best Q. Please brief us about EURO SAFETY and share your success history to our readers? Euro Safety Footwear (India)…
Industrial Safety Review – October 2016 Euro Security: Innovation at its best - Mr. Varun Budhiraja, Director, Euro Safety Footwear (India) Pvt. Ltd.…
The significance of API RP 2219 recommendations in the BLSR accident Noble Energy (formerly Samedan Oil Corporation) was a global oil and gas exploration and production (E&P)…
Matrix Bagged the IETE – Corporate Award for Performance Excellence in… Matrix bagged the IETE Corporate Award for Performance Excellence in the field of Computer and Telecommunication…
Industry Oscar for VdS-Cyber-Security Handover of the Golden Security Innovation Award for the VdS standard for optimal Cyber-Security in the SME sector…