Personal Protective Equipments Mr. Arun K. Datar, Partner, Puraj Chemicals / Sitaram Chemicals, Ambernath. Holds Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical…
Road safety : The lifeline Mr. Amar Dalvi, Sr. Manager & OHS Head, Interio Division, Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd., Mumbai. Holds…
Transport safety : The challenges Mr. Ajit Kadam, EHS Expert, Director – Engineering, Spectrum Pharmatech Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Thane. Holds…
KYT : Hazard prediction technique for zero accident Mr. R.R. Deoghare, Dy. Director at National Safety Council, Navi Mumbai M.E in Mechanical Engineering Started…
Emergency preparedness plans for nuclear power plants Mr. P.R. Krishnamurthy, Director, Operating Plants Safety Division, Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Mumbai.
Probabilistic safety assesment of nuclear power plants Mr. R.K. Saraf, Ex-Head, PSA Section RSD, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai 400085 Currently holding…
High rise building emergency evacuation Mr. R.R. Nair, Chief Executive, Safety and Health Information Bureau, Vashi, Navi Mumbai. Holds Master’s Degree…
Campus premise security : Knowing the facts Mr. Kiron Kunte, Principal Consultant, Norik Konsult, Mumbai. Graduate from IIT Bombay, a Fellow of the Institute…
Application of fire safety engineering Mr. Sunil Samuel Calvin, Managing Director, M/S Alpha National Fire Safety Services Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai Holds…
Safety in engineering industry Mr. Yashpal Singh, Head-Corporate OHS, Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd., Mumbai Holds Bachelor’s Degree in…
Smart village – The real future of India “If the facilities available in the cities are not made available to rural population, the Governments will not…
FIRE SAFETY IN INDIA – An overview Proper attention must be paid to minimize fire loss because ultimately the community at large has to bear all the…
Safety “Work Permit System” Introduction / Preface A few months ago, I wrote an article about the “BEHAVIOURAL SAFETY” and same was published…