Matrix Comsec at INDELEX Smarthome Expo Matrix Comsec is coming to Athens, Greece! Matrix’s range of solutions include Intelligent Security solutions such…
Matrix to showcase its solutions at Indelex Smart Home Expo Matrixa leading manufacturer and provider of Telecom and Security Solutions to showcase its solutions atIndelex…
Matrix showcase intelligent IP video surveillance at SECUTECH INDIA 2019 Matrix, a leading manufacturer and provider of Telecom and Security solutions, is participating in the Secutech…
Hikvision certified Security Associate (HCSA) program in Indore Hikvision, the world’s leading supplier in innovative video surveillance products and solutions, has conducted the…
CP PLUS showcases IoT-enabled surveillance solutions at the INTERSEC Dubai, 2019 CP PLUS pulled up a great show at the Dubai INTERSEC 2019 held between January 20th-22nd at the Dubai International…
Oncam improves design & functionality of special SS camera Oncam, the leading provider of 360-degree video capture and business intelligence technology announced the release…
F-Secure Radar wins Techconsult vulnerability management award Finnish cybersecurity company F-Secure continues to receive market recognition for their solutions, with the…
CFPA Europe publishes first European guideline for cybersecurity in SMEs The “CFPA-E Guideline No 11:2018 S” is based on the German VdS 10000 guideline and is available free of charge…
Matrix to participate in INDIA ELECTRONICS EXPO & INDIASOFT Matrix to participate in INDIA ELECTRONICS EXPO & INDIASOFT, held at Hyderabad International Convention Center,…
VDS “Sprinkler Bible” CEA 4001en revised Effective sprinkler systems are often the decisive criterion for immediately stopping the frequent fires from…
Matrix Comsec announces participation in Convergence 2019 Matrix Comsec Announces Participation in Convergence 2019, to be Held in the PragatiMaidan, New Delhi from 29th -…
Matrix Rewind 2018 2018 has been a year of great achievements and beautiful memories for Matrix Comsec. We thank each and every one…
Premiere: first VdS-approved high-expansion foam generator Less than a year after the publication of the revised VdS-Guidelines for foam extinguishing systems, the first…
Matrix Comsec to host Matrix Insight on 24th Jan 2019 in Philippines Matrix Solution Experts to Demonstrate Enterprise Security and Communication Solutions at Insight, Philippines…
Hikvision launches thermal deep learning bullet cameras Hikvision, the world’s leading supplier of innovative video surveillance products and solutions, has released…
OSH India 2018 witnessed congregation of prime India & global brands UBM India successfully concluded the 7th edition of the Occupational Safety & Health (OSH) India (29th- 30th…
Pelco introduces GFC professional 4K camera Pelco™ by Schneider Electric, a global leader in intelligent video surveillance solutions, has released the GFC…
ROSS CONTROLS announces hydraulic series safety valve systems ROSS CONTROLS, who is already known throughout the industry for reliable pneumatic safety-related valves &…
HID Global announces fastest retransfer printer for personalizing ID cards HID Global®, a worldwide leader in trusted identity solutions, recently announced the launch of a new ID card…
Axis showcases smarter solutions for safer cities at IFSEC With cities growing, the challenges of the urban sector is also increasing. To cater to this evolving market, Axis…
VdS – FireSafety Cologne 2018 with a multifaceted programme For many fire prevention and protection professionals, VdS-FireSafety Cologne is the most important industry event…
Dahua leaves an indelible impression at IFSEC INDIA 2018 Dahua Technology, a leading solution provider in the global video surveillance industry announced that its…
75F introduces smart Stat™ zone controller for commercial buildings Cloud-based building intelligence and 7 built in sensors create WELL workspaces for optimal comfort and…
Hikvision introduces innovation in intruder alarm systems Hikvision, the world leading provider of innovative security products and solutions, has released news of…