New EU Requirements: VdS-Approvals to be incorporated in tender processes


The EU Guideline 2014/24 requires all relevant authorities to incorporate alongside to EN Requirements for equivalent bids also VdS-Approvals for products and service providers when awarding contracts.

VdS-approved products and service providers
EU: VdS-approved products and service providers (pictured a test in the VdS laboratories) always meet the EN standards and are in accordance with new European Union requirements to be taken into account and incorporated in the awarding of all public procurement works contracts.

The Guideline 2014/24 of the European Union now requires all relevant authorities within the EU, when awarding public works contracts, to take into account and incorporate those offers which are based on regulations that are equivalent to the requirements. This also includes VdS-Approvals for products as well as service providers. This new specification reassures one of the clearest promises of Europe’s No 1 institute for security and safety technology to its partners: Whoever fulfils the requirements of VdS-Guidelines also always covers the European standards.

The new EU directive ”Law on the Modernisation of Public Procurement“ has now been implemented. The law is supplemented by several legal regulations, which have been summarised in one covering framework-regulation. It is part of the ”Europe 2020 Strategy for smart, sustainable and integrative growth“. Thomas Urban, Managing Director at VdS, explains: ”The EU-Guideline stipulates that in addition to European standards also equivalent regulations in procurement should be incorporated. VdS-Guidelines meet the described requirements. In addition, a test report of a conformity assessment body or certifications issued by those as evidence for the accordance with the technical specifications or the conditions for implementation may be imposed on economic operators. It is therefore required that the conformity assessment body shall be accredited in accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 765/2008 of the European Parliament and Council. VdS is such an accredited conformity assessment body. With the VdS Seal of Approval our customers are well-prepared for participation in EU-wide tendering.”