NewAge® (Gujarat) Hydrant Valves-Everything You Need To Know

By NewAge® Fire Fighting Co Ltd


In the event of any fire, usually the fire trucks are used to fight fire. In case of smaller fires, fire trucks are usually able to supply enough water from their tanks. For bigger fires, however, firefighters depend on external water sources. For fire fighting purposes, buildings are provided with wet risers and hydrant valves are installed on them. They are basically backed by a pressurised supply so that they can remain charged with water all the time. Hydrant Valve can be the first tool to combat fire in the early critical moments, till the fire trucks arrive. Hydrant valves guarantee a steady and secure water supply from underlying water networks.

Landing Valves OR Hydrant Valves

The designs of NewAge® Fire Hydrant valves and Landing valves are very similar irrespective of the place where they are being installed. They are designed to be robust and not freeze in harsh environments.

The name ‘Landing valves’ were used to describe valves for fire fighting provided on Risers in building applications. These are primarily intended for being installed at the staircase landing at each floor level, from where fire-hose could be laid out by the fire brigade or trained men for fighting fire on the concerned floor. Because of this, the design of these valves have to be compact so as not to cause any obstruction to the passage where these may be installed. Landing valves may be installed in different ways and altitudes, and for yielding varying output of water they require various shapes and sizes.
As firewater systems for municipal/ industrial applications are typically called hydrant systems, the term ‘Hydrant valves’ was used to describe the valves fitted on the Hydrant stand-posts in such systems.

How do Hydrant Valves work?

Hydrants are components of active fire protection, which are used for extracting water from pipelines and water distribution systems. In the event of a fire, a hydrant can assure fast water supply. A branch pipe and a hose is connected to a coupling on the hydrant. By rotating the wet riser landing valve handle anti-clockwise, you can simply activate the water flux in the fire hydrant system.

Applications of Hydrant Valves

Buildings, Airports, Marine, Oil & Gas, Offshore Platforms, Ship Building, High Rise Buildings, Commercial Establishments, Large Warehouses, Chemicals Industry, Textile & Garment Industry, Petrochemicals & Refineries, Commercial establishments like Malls, IT parks, Industrial parks, Institutions etc. are some of the various applications of Hydrant Valves.

Types of NewAge® Hydrant Valves

There are many different types of hydrant valves for various needs. Depending on the field of application and the type of water extraction, a certain type of hydrant is needed. The two largest product categories at NewAge®, Gujarat are above-ground and underground hydrant valves, which are available in various designs. Hydrant Valves are available in Oblique, Bib-Nose, Straight, and Right angle patterns. Pressure Reducing Valves are also available in the range of NewAge®, Gujarat. Apart from these, Underground hydrants are also used in congested urban areas or are used in certain parts of the world, which experience extremely cold weather (water in above ground hydrants can freeze). They are also suitable for areas like air fields where installation of normal hydrants is not possible.

Identifying Genuine NewAge® Hydrant Valves

A lot of duplicate material is available in the Indian market with fake NewAge branding on it. They are not only faltering the requirements of BIS when it comes to using the correct grades of material (suitable for fire fighting), but also do not go through any quality checks. It is dangerous to use such substandard products when it comes to saving lives and properties in an event of fire. NewAge® is the first industry in India to laser-mark all its Hydrant Valves. Every single hydrant valve manufactured at the original factory of NewAge® carries laser-marked QR Code. Clients can authenticate the product by scanning the same from any smartphone.

Approvals on NewAge® Hydrant Valves

NewAge® Hydrant Valves are approved by BIS (National) and FM (International). NewAge® oblique and bib-nose pattern valves with flanged / threaded inlets are approved by FM. Pressure Reducing Valves with flanged / threaded inlets are also approved by FM. Single outlet as well as double outlet landing valves are approved by BIS. NewAge® is the only company in India to have such a wide range of valves to be approved by FM – Factory Mutual.

Operating Requirements

Proper operation of hydrant valves will result in a long and useful life. Ensure that operators are familiar with the operation of the hydrant i.e., direction for opening/ closing. The valves should be opened and closed slowly to prevent water hammer, and ensure safety of the operator as well as the equipment. Operator should also be careful while closing as overtightening may damage the threads, bonnet, and result in failure of the hydrant body.

Maintenance of Hydrants Valves

Hydrant valves, if well designed and manufactured as per quality standards, require little maintenance. Proper periodic cleaning and light greasing of stud threads, and light oiling of the lug will ensure proper operation. Normal parts that can require replacement are the rubber washer (hydrant outlet), seat washer and the gland packing. Use standard washers, if replacement is required.

Future of Hydrant Valves

It is unlikely that the fire hydrant will disappear from the landscape of fire-fighting anytime in the near future. Water is still the most cost-effective fire suppressant, and the hydrant is still the most cost-effective way to provide a ready supply of water. If anything, “NewAge® make” hydrant valves will gain more demand as fire departments and taxpayers alike realize the importance of quality products for protecting their properties and lives.