Onvif hosts record-breaking developers’ Plugfest in sweden


ONVIF®, the leading global standardization initiative for IP-based physical security products, hosted the 18th ONVIF Developers’ Plugfest (ODP), its largest Plugfest ever, in Malmö, Sweden in early June. With a record 445 hours of testing, the ODP provided an opportunity to fine tune interoperability using all six ONVIF profiles, including the Release Candidate of Profile T for advanced video streaming, scheduled for final release later this year.

Held twice each year, the ODP brings together engineers and developers from ONVIF member companies to test their products’ implementation of ONVIF Profile Specifications with other ONVIF Profile-conformant products to ensure interoperability between conformant products. In all, the Malmö event drew 62 attendees from 26 member companies and 16 different countries. In the three-day timespan, attendees logged nearly 450 hours of total testing time, surpassing the previous record of 300 hours.

“The ONVIF Developers Plugfest is not just a testing opportunity for members to establish ONVIF conformant products before they are released into the market, but also an opportunity for member representatives to work directly with Test Tool developers,” said Steven Dillingham, Chairman of the ONVIF Technical Services Committee Taskforce, Developers’ Plugfest. “The Plugfest represents the final phase of product development after months of hard work, and we are fortunate to have so many member companies excited to participate, and willing to give feedback to further refine the conformance process.”

In addition to testing the six Profiles, attendees were also offered one hour of testing using the ONVIF Device/Client Test Tools, also with the opportunity to discuss any issues that arose during conformance testing with Test Tool developers.

Founded in 2008, ONVIF is a leading and well-recognized industry forum driving interoperability for IP-based physical security products. The organization has a global member base of established camera, video management system and access control companies and nearly 10,000 Profile conformant products. With Profile S for streaming video; Profile G for recording and storage; Profile C for physical access control; Profile Q for improved out-of-the-box functionality, Profile A for broader access control configuration and the Profile T Release Candidate for advanced streaming, ONVIF continues to work with its members to expand the number of IP interoperability solutions ONVIF conformant products can provide.