RAGHAV – Robot in healthcare


The Coronavirus pandemic is affecting every industry in some way or the other. But the most affected of them all is the Healthcare Industry. Doctors, nurses, helpers are constantly exposed to infected patients and face high risk during the treatments. As of April 2020, around 45+ hospitals were sealed and 2000+ healthcare workers were quarantined. This number is on the rise and with every passing day more and more healthcare workers are getting infected with COVID-19. This made us realise the importance of robots in healthcare, now more than ever.

Our main focus at Rucha Yantra is to design user-friendly minimalistic robots which can serve a defined purpose. Our flagship robot RAGHAV – Robot in Healthcare was designed with an objective of transporting material from one place to other without much floor modifications. A few tweaks by our genius engineers and RAGHAV became capable to operate in healthcare.

RAGHAV  can work independently without the need of any manual support for its operation and hence, can be incorporated in hospitals to minimize the human contact with COVID-19 patients wherever possible. Our built-in unit mounted on top of RAGHAV – Robot in Healthcare can hold multiple food trays, medicine boxes and linen sets which can be delivered to the patients in isolation wards and quarantine zones in a contactless manner. Along with deliveries, we have also devised a special assembly by which it can autonomously spray disinfectant in all directions at the same time to keep the spread of coronavirus at minimum. It also comes with an alternative UV disinfectant kit which can be used to sanitize the isolation wards, operation theatres, hallways and the entire premises of the hospital.

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RAGHAV can also be used to dispose of the hazardous waste in hospitals. The disposal of masks, gloves, shields, PPE kits after treating the COVID-19 patients is a difficult task. Similarly, there are numerous other bio hazardous wastes that are generated on a regular basis in hospitals. Asking the staff to dispose this waste is nothing but risking them with infections. Since, RAGHAV can dispose this on his own, the spread of infections is minimized.

RAGHAV can be used to carry to the heaviest of medical equipment like life support instruments and ventilators, which are a necessity especially during corona times, within the hospitals. At the same time, it is petite in size. The intelligent sensors and object avoidance technology make it safe to operate in confined passages and lifts along with the other patients and hospital staff.

RAGHAV is extremely affordable and does not require any pre-installation modifications. It is available in natural navigation technology and also a simpler variant with mobile operation. The ease of operation and installation makes it suitable for healthcare environments, wherein the already busy doctors, nurses and staff do not have to take time out of their schedule to learn to operate it. RAGHAV is serving as a true corona warrior by helping the healthcare workers who are on the frontline.

We believe that the use of mobile robots like RAGHAV can reduce the burden on healthcare industry to some extent, in trying times like this. Our ultimate goal is to keep the fight against COVID-19 alive.

Along with the healthcare industry, RAGHAV can be used a sanitation and delivery robot in any manufacturing industry like food processing, pharmaceutical, automobile, warehouses or any public place like bus station, airport, lobby for offices.

Website: www.yantrallp.com

YouTube: https://youtu.be/2VA72G0I-Uo