Safety is Everybody’s Responsibility – Page 3


Every human being should have a moral responsibility towards safety and play his part in making industrial environment safe and congenial to work and have in order to enjoy the long cherished fruits of his labour and his intelligence.

An effective accident prevention programme can be succeeded only by active co-operation from all groups viz. Managers, Supervisors, Workers, Safety Committee Members and Trade Unions. Above all, accept safety is everybody’s responsibility.


  1. Accident Prevention Manual – Volume I and II, 8th Ed. Chicago, National Safety Council, 1980.
  2. Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety, 4th Ed. (4 Volumes), Geneva, International Labour office, 1998.
  3. Handbook of System and Product Safety – Willie Hammer, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall, 1972.
  4. Heinrich, H.W. and Peterson, Dan – Industrial Accident Prevention, New York, McGraw Hill, 1980.
  5. Industrial Safety Handbook – William Handley, London, McGraw Hill, 1969.
  6. International Labour Office – The Occupational Safety and Health Convention No. 155 (1981) and Recommendation No. 164, Geneva, ILO.
  7. International Labour Organisation – Accident Prevention: A Workers Education Manual, Geneva, ILO, 1972.
  8. Nair, R.R. – New Concepts in Accident Prevention, Current Engineering Practice, Vol 18:1, 1975.
  9. Nair, R.R. – Personal Protective Equipment, Industrial Safety Review, September 2013.
  10. Nair, R.R. – Safety Motivation, Industrial Safety Review, August 2016.
  11. Nair, R.R. – Workplace Accidents are Increasing, Science Today, September, 1982.
  12. Nair, R.R. and Chakravorti, S. – Safe Handling of Hazardous Chemicals (CEP Pub – 1016),
  13. Bangalore, All India Council for Technical Education, 2001.
  14. Patil, S.B.H. and Nair, R.R. – Management of Industrial Hazards (CEP Pub – 647),
  15. Bangalore, All India Council for Technical Education, 1997.
  16. Peterson, Dan – Techniques of Safety Management – 2nd Edition, New York, McGraw Hill, 1968.
  17. Reamer, Russel De – Modern Safety and Health Technology, Illinois, American Society of Safety Engineering.
  18. Simonds, R.H. and Grimaldi, V.J. – Safety Management, Illinois, Richard D. Irwin, 1994.

Article by —–

Mr. R.R. Nair, Chief Executive, Safety and Health Information Bureau, Vashi, Navi Mumbai
Mr. R.R. Nair,
Chief Executive,
Safety and Health Information Bureau,
Vashi, Navi Mumbai


Mr. R. R. Nair is currently the Director of Safety and Health Information Bureau. He is an ex-employee of Central Labour Institute, DGFASLI, Mumbai, and retired from the Government Service after 28 years. He has more than 50 years’ experience in occupational safety, health & fire protection. He participated in a number of seminars, conferences, workshops on safety, health and fire protection at National and International levels. He has carried out about 85 projects in safety, health, environment and fire protection (safety audits, accident investigations, environmental studies, hazard identification and risk assessment (HIRA), hazardous zone classifications, fire safety audits in high rise buildings, etc.) PAN India. He is author of 15 books and about 80 articles in various topics on safety and allied subjects.

He can be contacted on:
M: +91 7045172050, +91 9224212544
Resi: +91 477 2266994
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