STPI – ensure effective security


Software Technology Parks of India (STPI), an autonomous society under Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Govt of India, has been able to improve security and employee attendance tracking with centralized report for access control and time attendance

In order to ensure effective security, STPI required access control while door opening with bio-metric authentication. Moreover, it required devices that supported both access control, as well as time attendance at the same time. With respect to gaining access, it wanted a solution that provided centralized software to get the report of access control & time attendance.

Solution Provided:

ZKTeco, in association with In4 Solution Pvt Ltd, provided STPI a solution to manage an access of 24 doors for 500 employees. For that, it installed 5 c3 400 (controller) for an access of 20 doors by KR503 E/M readers, at entry/ exit.

At remaining 4 doors, a F-19 Fingerprint standalone Access Control & Time Attendance device was provided. Majorly, ZKTeco installed ZK Software, i.e. ZK Access 3.5 to get a centralized report of access control & time attendance, which provides details like who and when have an access at a specific place/area.


With the solution, STPI can now ensure authorized entry/ exit of any user. It has been able to improve employee attendance tracking and reduce attendance problems with centralized report for access control and time attendance. The society has also enhanced security with accurate records of who accessed at what time.

Project Highlights

– Devices: C3 400 (controller) & F-19 Standalone (Fingerprint + ID Card)
– Users: 500 Employees
– Location: Chennai
– Application: Door Access Control with Time Attendance
– Technology: Fingerprint and Smart Card Authentication with Software ZKAccess3.5