Fire safety regulations in India “Fire Safety Audit and Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment (HIRA) identify potential hazards and act as…
Chemical Safety – An Overview The control of risk from the use of harmful substance is as much a matter for effective management as any other…
Hazards in welding and cutting Exposures to welding fumes and gases should be controlled as much as possible by following safe practices and good…
High rise building emergency evacuation Mr. R.R. Nair, Chief Executive, Safety and Health Information Bureau, Vashi, Navi Mumbai. Holds Master’s Degree…
Means of emergency egress “Although Fire Safety Rules and Standards are available in India, enforcement of these regulations, leaves much to…
On-site emergency plan “The effectiveness of what we should do if a disaster strike, will wholly depend upon how well we have prepared the…
Safe Practices of handling compressed gas cylinders “Train employees and workers who are required to handle and use compressed gases and ensure that compressed gases…
Safety in construction sites “Everyone who is involved in the construction activity should shoulder the responsibility of identifying the…
Fire water system for process industries "Despite water is the most important medium for fire protection, the issue of fire water system was not a high…
FIRE SAFETY IN INDIA – An overview Proper attention must be paid to minimize fire loss because ultimately the community at large has to bear all the…