VdS-FireSafety Cologne 2021 on 8th & 9th December


On 8th and 9th December 2021, the next VdS-FireSafety Cologne will be held at Koelnmesse – this year again with expert conferences, an expert trade fair, free themed forums and the new format VdS-FireSafetyTalk.

Cologne, August 06th 2021. Fire protection professionals can look forward to 8th and 9th December 2021: the VdS Training Center is looking optimistically towards the end of the year and expects to be able to hold VdS-FireSafety Cologne 2021 on these days once more complete with an expert trade fair, themed forums and expert conferences.

Seven expert conferences

VdS-FireSafety Cologne is one of the industry’s most important events of the year for structural, organisational and technical fire prevention and protection and is renowned for its high calibre specialist audience. This is due not least to the conferences with their in-depth expert knowledge, which take place in the rooms around the exhibition hall. Here is an overview of this year’s expert conferences and dates:

  • 50th Professional Development Seminar for Fire Protection Managers, 8th/9th Dec 2021
  • Fire Extinguishing Systems International, 8th/9th Dec 2021
  • Fire Detection and Alarm Systems, 9th Dec 2021
  • Smoke and Heat Exhaust Ventilation Systems, 9th Dec 2021
  • Structural fire protection, 8th Dec 2021
  • Construction and Fire Protection in NRW, 9th Dec 2021
  • New: Hydrant systems, impulse conference, 8th Dec 2021

International expert conference “Fire Extinguishing Systems”

This year’s “Fire Extinguishing Systems” expert conference is a two-day event with an international focus (as in every second year). It covers a wide range of current topics relating to the technology and regulation of fire extinguishing systems, as always with a great deal of practical relevance, exciting international application scenarios and opportunities for discussion.

The topics include innovations and new regulations in sprinkler, water mist and gas extinguishing systems, lessons learned from cases of damage with different types of systems, and special protection concepts for lithium-batteries and warehouses. Simultaneous German-English interpretation will be provided for all lectures.

Future Forum and the new live VdS-FireSafetyTalk

As in previous years, the Future Forum will be held on a stage in the exhibition hall, where all visitors to the fair can attend presentations on innovative topics free of charge.

Here, trade fair visitors can also experience the second VdS-FireSafetyTalk live: renowned experts will discuss current topics of particular concern to the fire prevention and protection industry. The first VdS-FireSafetyTalk in April 2021, staged as a purely online event due to the Corona pandemic, demonstrated the success of this new format by attracting a total of over 600 viewers to the live streams.

Comprehensive hygiene concept

Corona protection measures will of course be in effect throughout VdS-FireSafety Cologne 2021.
Further information on VdS-FireSafety Cologne 2021 can be found at vds.de/fire-safety