Vintex Fire on fast track


Vintex Fire is one of the renowned manufacturers, exporters, service providers and traders of high performing range of fire extinguishers. With great pleasure we take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as one of the leading manufacturer of Fire Extinguishers of various types and capacity with ISI mark & CE mark . Also we are undertaking turnkey projects of Fire Protection system like Co2 Flooding system, Inergen Fire Suppression system, Argonite fire Suppression System Clean Agent System (FM-200/FE 227ea), Fire Hydrant System, MVWS System, HVWS System, Fire Alarm System,Foam Flooding System ,Fire Tubing System , Kichen “K” Class (Wet Chemical) Fire Suppression System etc..

Our vision and motivation to succeed is shared by our team of professionals. These professionals are highly trained and experienced in their respective fields. We recruit them after a rigorous selection procedure and provide them adequate training to brush up their skills.“Our mission is to provide the best quality products that help our clients to function in a very safe environment and provide the best safety and protection”

Our indisputable position in the market is mainly because of our diligent and hardworking workforce. We strive hard to complete all our orders on schedule and deliver the same within the stipulated time period. The range of extinguishers offered by us is high performing and available at market leading prices.

Professional Expertise
Vintex has over 30 years combined experience in the fire protection and life safety industries and our team is able to offer an extensive range of fire protection of products and services to meet your needs.

Design / Engineering
Vintex ’s design and engineering team are able to assist you by carrying out a detailed analysis of your fire protection needs and objectives in order to develop the best possible solution to meet your needs whilst ensuring compliance with the relevant regulations, standards and codes. We are able to offer a full design and build service for new installations as well as comprehensive support for your existing systems.

We have very experienced and skilled installation staff who are able to undertake a wide variety of work including both installation and maintenance/alterations of existing installations. All staff have or are undertaking FireTech training to achieve level 4 or higher certification.

As we utilise the same staff for both installation of new systems and maintenance of existing installations we are able to offer continuity of the staff serving our customers, in addition to which our staff know the sites they are working on and have a sense of ownership which in results in a high level of consistency and quality being delivered.

Vintex is able to undertake all aspects of MVWS/HVWS System, Fire Alarm system and Special Hazard installations, alterations and extensions for a full range of systems including:

  • Automatic Sprinkler Systems including wet pipe, dry pipe and pre-action, systems.
  • Fire Hydrant Systems.
  • Fire Hose reel and Fire Extinguisher installation.
  • Manual and automatic Fire Alarm Systems, including conventional and analogue addressable.
  • Evacuation and Early Warning Systems
  • VESDA (Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus).
  • ProtectowireTM linear heat detection systems.
  • Clean Agent, FM 200, Co2 etc.
  • Deluge systems & water spray systems.
  • Water mist.
  • Foam Flooding System.
  • Audio Loop Systems for the Hearing Impaired

Experienced Service co-ordinators and project managers control all aspects of installations including.

Testing and Maintenance
It makes sense to regularly check your Fire protection equipment to ensure it will be ready when called on in an emergency.

For peace of mind and for compliance with India code requirements Vintex Fire protection offers routine testing and maintenance service to ensure both that the systems will operate correctly when needed and comply with the relevant codes and standards. Service is offered for the following systems types:

  • Fire hose reels and extinguishers
  • Fire alarm systems
  • Hydrant systems
  • MVWS/HVWS System
  • Preaction sprinkler systems
  • Deluge systems
  • Dry systems
  • Anti-freeze systems
  • Foam Flooding System
  • Clean Agent, FM 200, Co2 etc.
  • Emergency lighting systems.

For more information, Website:

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